Good Morning,
Last weekend, after five years of talking about it, Jon Jr. a friend Jason and I finally got to do a “Harley Ride” together. Up to this point it has been either he or I, on a ride, but never all. I think with this kind of thing you have to ask yourself, when? When were you planning to do this? When is the right time? When will I have the time? I think now that if at all possible, I have to make the time to make the occasion. Too many times we… well me at least… tend to put off the things that are really important and default to do the things that are more responsible. Is there such a thing as being too responsible? I suppose one never really knows that until the dust settles and hindsight once again rears its sagacious head. Some may argue that one cannot be too responsible. I prefer to think that there has to be a balance. There has to be times when the Adultitus is blatantly pushed aside and we let the kid out. The nice thing about kids is that they don’t have the responsibilities that adults do. So the trick here is to find the balance and work at keeping it, but that is not what this letter is about.
We started out at about 2pm Saturday. Now if you were around here on Saturday at 2pm, you no doubt would have noticed that it was 114 in the shade. I’m pretty sure that riding a bike when it is 114, dry heat or not, is not a good idea. After 40 minutes on the road I’m convinced of it and we had to re-hydrate.

Empty Parking Lot at the Hideaway Grill
We “hydrated” at the Hideaway Grill in Cave Creek. Pulling into the bike parking area, which is usually packed and ours being the only bikes there, was a sign. Having the bartender and one other person clap and cheer as we walked in was another sign that there were people possibly a bit smarter right then, than we were. By the time we reached the bar, she had three large glasses of water waiting for us. That’s hospitality in Arizona. Sixty-four ounces and 45 minutes later and I am starting to feel my feet, so it’s on the road again and another HOT hour to Wickenburg.

Jon Jr & Jason at the Mecca Cantina
Once again, and I might say none-to-soon, it’s time to re-hydrate at the Mecca Cantina in Wickenburg. I’m beginning to like this, ride-a-little, stop-a-little, ride-a-little, stop-a-little, repeat.
Now comes the payoff, for as we leave Wickenburg and head up hi-way 89 it starts to cool a bit and I’m pretty sure it is only about a 100. It is into the hills and out of the desert and along with that comes “curves”. When you are on a bike, curves are the fun stuff and 20 & 25 mph curves are the best! There is no hurry here for after all it is the “ride and not the destination” when you are on a bike. The four “Ss”, Sights, Sounds, Smells and Sensations come into play and it is almost like a drug that keeps you coming back for more. Maybe it is that perfect mix of the ocular, aural, olfactory, and ambiance all stirred together in a pot of adrenaline with just a dash of risk on top to make this the “perfect soup” for the occasion. I’m sure many of us have seen shirts on “those that ride” that have the saying “If I Have To Explain, You Wouldn’t Understand.” There are few things I have experienced in my life that equal the feeling of freedom and exhilaration of being out there on a bike.
It gets cooler as my ears tell me that we are climbing in altitude and it is no longer a feat of endurance. The curves progressively get more intense and are served with a generous view across the valley below that is nothing short of stellar. It is apparent that we are now riding into “Gods Country” with the view of mountains on each side; the sounds of Cicadas intermittently filling the air as we pass by, the smell of pines, wood burning fireplaces and the sensations and rhythm of the engine vibrating through my body as they all blend together to create a state of wellbeing in my very soul. For the moment, I am free.
We arrive in Prescott to a cool 60 something degrees and I am already starting to look forward to the ride home tomorrow and the adventures it will bring. The withdrawals start as soon as the V-Twin is turned off.
Now it is time to experience Prescott on a Saturday night. I highly recommend The Prescott Brewing Company and the Raven Cafe for great food, brews and just a great place to be on a Saturday night.
Lesson: Make the time, to spend the time, to experience this little time that we have.
Love, Dad