Good Morning,
Well in less than a month it will be Saint Valentines Day again and couples all over the country will be scrambling to find just the right gift or expression of love and affection for their soulmate. To some it is obligatory and imposed on us by a society propelled by capitalistic enterprise bent on wringing every last penny out of every conceivable holiday, while other lovers, and I am referring to the “dyed-in-the-wool” romantics, can barely wait for the occasion to express their forever love and commitment.
Real “Romantics” are that way you know, for they will look for just about any occasion to make it special. It is after all, the Romantics that put “feeling” into physical expression. I believe we need that and while the people that struggle with showing their emotion, may openly “Poo Poo” the endeavors, I cannot help thinking that somewhere deep inside, there is a yearning to experience the same feelings. I believe it is just human nature to be needed and loved. Granted that need may be suppressed by negative influences from childhood, but do they ever really go away completely? While it isn’t proof by any means, the story line is applicable in the movie “Despicable Me”. Let the kid out and watch it all the way through.
So, for those caught in between the extremes and looking for some ideas, I have a few. Some I have used myself and others admittedly gleaned from the wide world of the net. So, for what it is worth, here goes.
- At the most elementary level there is the Greeting Card both hard copy and e-card to express your love and affection for your mate. While almost expected, thanks to Hallmark and American Greetings, there can be variations like the personal “Love Letter” (not for the timid) instead of just a card. The “Love Letter” can say so much more that a card can, if you are able to let go and expose your true feelings. Not as easy as it sounds for some.
- You can kick the greeting card up a notch by using a little trick I found out about many years ago and have actually done myself. Not as much as I wished, but still, I have a few times. Loveland Colorado has jumped into the occasion with both feet and will re-mail your valentine card postmarked with a valentine wish. Just send your valentine card stamped and addressed inside another envelope to the Postmaster, Valentine Re-mailing, 446 E 29th Street, Loveland CO 80538. Now be sure to put enough postage on the card and make sure it gets there no later than the 9th of February for re-mail in the states. It is a nice touch and shows that you have thought ahead (Extra Points). Admittedly, this is a stretch for a lot of guys and the proverbial procrastinator.
- There are a number of companies out there that can produce Romantic Printables. These are things like certificates for
just about a
nything you can think of. Now if you are somewhat talented, creative and adept at even a word processing program, a certificate for “Breakfast in Bed”, “Romantic Dinner for Two” (prepared by you), “Foot Massage” or even a “Fully Body Massage”, which could be fun for both. There is even a company that can help you create a “Love Book” to express your affection. Anyway use your imagination and create something fun and unique to your mate.
- There is the “Love Bear” and no I’m not talking about your unshaven hubby that you would love to have “waxed” in the“spa way”, but instead that overstuffed and cuddly Teddy Bear usually holding a Valentine Heart, complete with a puppy look and expressing agape love in a most childlike way with all of the innocence of a two year old. That one…and you can find them around this time as prevalent as Santas at Christmas. Warning, nothing is so sad as finding your “Love Bear” tucked away in a storage container a few years from now.
- Chocolates. Of course chocolates! What else can release the plethora
of endorphins in a woman better than chocolates, well except for maybe a Mercedes, but chocolates are much more affordable. Strawberries dipped in chocolate, chocolate roses in a box, assorted chocolates in a heart box, chocolate bears and god only knows what else can be contrived. They should still be accompanied with a greeting of some sort. I think Emily Post told me that…maybe not.
- If you have a few extra bucks, plan an evening in a local hotel. Many offer Valentines Day Packages or maybe put one together yourself. There is something inherently romantic just getting away from the house for the night. The Hermosa Inn in Phoenix and dinner at Lon’s can make for a memorable evening. However, I could have done without the “Esteban” CD that was playing in the room, so you may want to bring your own music. Maybe a custom CD you have made for the occasion or playlist on your IPOD. A variation for the more adventuress to this could be Chinese Takeout and an evening in a “Seedy Motel”. There is just something about that experience that can be erotic and hint of an illicit affair. The upside is that you won’t have to worry about your mate popping through the door at a most uncompromising time, which could be a real downer, unless of course they are into ménage à trios, but I think that can be pretty rare.
- If you want to stay at home and love to cook, how about the both of you cooking a special dinner together, without the kids of course. It can be fun and playful at the same time. Be sure to have music, candles, a favorite beverage and a special dessert even if you have to buy it. A heart shaped strawberry shortcake comes to mind. Leave the dishes for tomorrow and just enjoy the moment.
- Finally, whether it is at home or at a hotel/motel, costume dress up can be fun. Probably not for everyone, but for those that enjoy it, like to fantasize and can embrace their alter egos, if even for a little while, it is an opportunity that can somewhat legitimize the activity. The French Upstairs Maid has always been one of my favorites, but that is just me (not sure where that came from). While researching my letter I did come across some Heart Shaped Satin Pasties , which could be pretty special on the right person. I do not think they would look that good on me however. Anyway it doesn’t take much to discover there is a whole market out there in costumes for the occasion or any occasion for that matter.
Well that should about sum it up for ideas. I know…there are lots more, like walks along the beach, just gazing at the stars together, faking a blind date or pickup, heart shaped pizzas and the list goes on to the point of ad nauseum. I suppose the important thing here is to truthfully express your feelings of love and appreciation to your mate. If those don’t exist, well then at least “fake it” with a card, so they don’t feel too bad. After all, you are both in this together.
But whatever you come up with…Have Fun!
Love, Dad
- Valentines Day Heart with saying from
- Loveland Postmark from Loveland Re-mail website
- Breakfast in Bed & Full Body Massage from
- Valentine Teddy Bear from
- Godiva Chocolates in Heart Box from
Esoteric Image: Heart Shaped Satin Pasties from (Just couldn’t tastefully post the image)
You will find some of these ideas and many more at:, and
WOW Jon Sr. ! what great ideas, merci beaucoup. You are quite the romantic renaissance gentleman!
Ton amie,
Lucie, you’re funny. Glad you liked the ideas. Being romantic can be fun, especially when it is appreciated. Thanks for the feedback.